
Bloggers You Need to Know

Bloggers You NEed to know Bloggernotbillionaire Seattle Stylekick

If you follow me on any of my social media accounts you are probably already sick of me waxing on about how honored I am to be profiled by killer and upcoming style app StyleKick, but indulge me for a moment. Starting a blog is a leap of faith: you trust that you can create something unique and appealing enough that other like-minded individuals will somehow (miraculously) find you and deem your content valuable. Being profiled by StyleKick is a piece of validation that my blog has relevancy and the amazing response I have received from that profile from followers/friends/strangers has only added to that. So thank you for reading, following and allowing to share my passion for fashion with you, it means the world!

On a slightly less sappy note, if you ever have questions, have a topic your want discussed, are curious what the heck to wear to (insert problematic sartorial situation here) please do not hesitate to contact me. My goal is to help you better attack the challenge of getting dressed every day in a way that makes you feel fantastic so any difficulties you have I am here to help solve.

Thank you again, and definitely check out StyleKick.com or download the StyleKick app to see amazing outfits and suggestions from chic women all over the world. To view the article shown above visit Blog.StyleKick.com.


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