
Bonne Anniversaire, Blogger Not Billionaire!

ANNIV4Happy Anniversary! This little blog of mine, Blogger Not Billionaire, just officially turned 2!!!! And while may not be shooting smiling photos with a giant number 2 balloon the year has nonetheless been exceptionally meaningful and quite the journey.

ANNIV8I have been so honored to be able share my personal style, my ever evolving fashion journey and of course the multitude of ways to get the look for less with all of you. To put this in perspective almost 80,000 people have visited the blog this last year! That is such a humbling thing to have so many of you share in this fashion experiment!anniv2A few notable new things that happened in year 2, first off, I discovered OTHER SEATTLE bloggers! Very few people will commiserate with you on the horrors of wind during a blog shoot or what the best strategies are for taking photos in the rain (which happens often in Seattle.) My fellow bloggers have also become friends, co-conspirators and they are always constant sources of inspiration and motivation every day to keep doing what I love and sharing all of this content with you guys. ANNIV7Another fun benchmark, I got engaged!! While this is a more recent event in my life what you probably didn’t know is that my fiance has been one of my primary photographers this year dropping everything, giving up his Sundays and being happy to pull over the car anytime we are driving and I just happen to say “LOOK a pretty wall! Let’s take a photo!” Not only is he the love of my life but he has also been my biggest support system as well as the person who inspired me to pursue this project in the first place so thank you my love for everything you have done this year.IMG_3688This year has been one of growth both personally and via Blogger Not Billionaire, from brand collaborations to more specific trend-focused posts. There has been a renewed dedication to share with you guys what I am following on the runways, what I am looking for in stores and of course my favorite ways to recreate a designer look for less because I figure if I am in love with that $900 item and would search the ends of the earth for a way to recreate the look you guys would want to hear about that too. DSC_0701Equally as important of course is my go-to photographer and best friend Katie who braves the Seattle with me to take much needed photos for an upcoming post, who challenges me to provide more interest in my outfits so that she has great details to photograph and who ultimately is a wonderful friend and confident which every blogger/human needs.DSC_1155Lastly, this entire year would be nothing without all of you to share this journey with! THANK YOU for reading about my obsession with furry Gucci slippers, for lusting with me over every Isabel Marant knockoff Zara does, for catching up on the latest trend obsession I happen to have like the bandana scarf, for commiserating with me on the value of buying a great pair of earrings in 3 colors and of course for letting me show you who I am through my style every day. There is nothing more empowering than feeling confident showing the world who you are and you all help me have that confidence every day through Blogger Not Billionaire. Thank you for your love and support and please continue telling me your thoughts!! I love nothing more than hearing from you all and I hope that through this platform I can help you to feel just as confident in yourself as you possibly can be.

Cheers and Happy Anniversary! Love, Rebecca

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