
  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Hello 2017 & DIY’ing the Corset Trend

    Happy 2017 everyone!! We have BIG plans this year on Blogger Not Billionaire and we are SO thrilled to continue to share our adventures with you! Today’s post is all about the corset trend that we saw start to appear towards the end of 2017. Whether you were stalking the Prada runways, Kylie Jenner on instagram or the scoping out the street style outside of Paris fashion week you definitely saw this trend in action; body ‘shaping’ wide bands of fabric or leather that make a normal belt’s width look like a shoelace in comparison. Being the trend conscious gals we are on Blogger Not Billionaire we went looking for…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    2016 Fashion Recap: A Challenging Year in Review

    2016 has been a crazy  year for so many of us and I am no exception. From the blog perspective I have had so many opportunities to meet new people and work with brands I love and I couldn’t be more grateful. I love the theme of ‘things I have learned in 2016’ and for me there was 1 big lesson: I learned we are capable of so much more than we think we are and even if the circumstance that showed me that wasn’t ideal I am grateful for that lesson. For those of you who didn’t know, my now husband was gone from April until the end of…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Staying Chic in the Winter: The Coziest, Fluffiest most Bad Ass Faux Fur Coat EVER

    It’s that magical time of the year when we are all freezing our butts off heading off to work thinking ‘How the heck do I stay warm and not look a cloud of black puffiness?’ Or we say, ‘At least my outfit underneath all of these layers is cute!’ I am 100% guilty of this especially here in Seattle where we are weather wimps and when the temperature hits the 30’s we all dress like its -20. That is, until I found this magical Topshop Polar Bear Coat. I’ll admit when I first saw this coat on Nordstrom’s website my first thought was “OMG SO COZY” but my second was…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Urban Street Style: Revisiting One of 2016’s Biggest Trends

    There is no denying that 2016 has been the year of urban street style, more specifically it has been the year of Vetements coming of age and changing the way we think about fashion. While urban style may not have been the only major trend of the year (looking at your Gucci) it certainly has been the most disruptive. Only in France could a fashion house that would seemingly be so counterculture influence the mainstream and change the landscape of fashion. Hoodies that retailed for almost a thousand dollars and above became the hottest things on celebrities (sans pants) and diehard fashionistas (with pants.) So welcome was this sweeping fashion…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Patent is Back: A Casual Holiday Look for Girls’ Night

    This week is all about getting Holiday ready with holiday parties and New Years parties filling our calendars. If you are like me by this time of the month you have your fancy party outfits planned but you are still trying to figure out what to wear to gingerbread house viewing or your kind of holiday themed girls’ night out. That’s what today’s look is all about: the ‘casual holiday outfit.’ First let’s start with a trend update: Patent Leather has been a breakout start of the season and it is only going to get bigger next year. From patent pants to jackets to shoes this shiny leather option is…