
  • Editorial,  Outfits

    4 Must Have Coats: Teddy Bear Coat

    For our last edition of ‘4 Must Have Coats’ we are profiling one of the newer coat trends to storm onto the scene this season: the Teddy Bear Coat. This coat by definition is oversized, extremely fluffy and cozy as can be, perfect for winter. While the size may seem prohibitive at first the sheer comfort factor has made this a go-to item for style mavens everywhere. How to Style It The Teddy Bear coat is a great cold weather option but due to it’s bulk and size it can be a bit more challenging to style. The trick is balancing out your proportions so that you don’t look like…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    4 Must Have Coats: The Check Coat

    The Check Coat: undeniably the hottest print of 2017 the check pattern first dominated the blazer scene then promptly moved on to full outerwear. This is an incredibly masculine style, borrowing from true suiting trends which makes it just that much more fun to wear. How to Style It The check coat traditionally is done in a masculine, boxier, more oversized silhouette. This makes pairing it with feminine pieces a nice contrast or you can play into the masculine vibes by layering it over another suiting item. Today I chose to wear it over an easy pair of leather overalls and a sweater. I topped it off with a newsboy…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    4 Must Have Coats: The Short Puffer Coat

    The Short Puffer Coat This week on Blogger Not Billionaire I am sharing 4 coats you absolutely need in your wardrobe this winter. Our first pick has one of the bigger personalities of the bunch especially if you choose a colorful or metallic version. The short puffer is practical and warm while still providing a great fashion statement so you really can’t go wrong with this style of coat.  How to Wear It A short puffer coat is a sportier option when it comes to coats, but that doesn’t mean it has to be challenging to style. My go-to way to wear it is usually a sweater, skinny jeans and…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Street Style Trends: Layering a Sweatshirt Under a Check Blazer

    The other day we talked about one way to style your favorite hoodie and today we are adding our favorite hero piece to the mix: the check blazer. The check blazer is hands down the one item you need in your closet to update your wardrobe. Whether it’s a designer version, a killer boyfriend style or a vintage find, you NEED one in your wardrobe. Why, you might ask? It can be styled with anything and adds polish, just like it does with today’s look. Our focus today was different ways to style a hooded sweatshirt to take it to the next level, instead of a regular sweatshirt though I…

  • Outfits

    Behind the Scenes with Rebecca from Blogger Not Billionaire

    It’s funny to think how when I started blogging I didn’t even have an instagram, I just had a blogspot where I posted photos taken by my propped up iphone in my living room while my husband worked late. Now Instagram is the primary base for attracting sponsorships and collaborations and is an entire blogging platform in it’s own right. In honor of reaching 10,000 followers on Instagram (holy poo) here is the personal, peel back the curtain post you guys asked for a few months ago! Thanks so much for your questions and let me know in the comments if I didn’t answer any! I love you guys and wouldn’t…