Fall Trends: the Yellow Faux Fur Coat

Yellow Zara Faux Fur Coat

  • – Yellow Zara Coat similar HERE
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  • – Yellow Heels similar HERE
  • – White Peasant Blouse similar HERE

Last year statement faux fur coats and jackets emerged as a major trend of the winter season and this year won’t be any different. For me it took until the end of the season to fully embrace the trend since seeing a trend all over the street style scene always helps make it more wearable. This colorful full trend is a bold one, ushered powerfully into existence by the fashion forward brand Shrimps, once a  more obscure high-end label, now a street style powerhouse synonymous with seriously loud fur.

Yellow Zara Faux Fur CoatFaux fur versus real fur preferences aside, it is no secret that faux fur is the more affordable option and this last year statement faux fur started becoming available at an affordable price. This yellow ‘tweety bird’ coat as I call it (see it last year here) was from Zara, which is no surprise since the fast fashion retailer tends to be able to replicate season trends as soon as they leave the runway. For the majority of retailers the big statement fur trend will be this coming fall/winter season and I can’t wait to get that started.Yellow Zara Faux Fur CoatThe easiest way to break out such a loud statement piece is to pair it with a more laid back outfit. Since we are still just getting accustomed to the fall season layering this epic coat would be very difficult with any other heavy elements simply due to the weather. As it gets colder though expect to see this giant cocoon of a coat turn into the topper for many a winter layer. As for today, the yellow still feels summery while the blouse and jeans have an early fall feeling leaving us comfortable and seasonally appropriate while breaking out a few winter pieces. Are you ready with your winter faux fur? Check out my top picks at the bottom of the page (especially the cobalt blue, hello!!)

As always thanks so much for reading!  Cheers! – RebeccaYellow Zara Faux Fur CoatYellow Zara Faux Fur CoatYellow Zara Faux Fur Coat Yellow Zara Faux Fur Coat


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