Fashion Week Prep: The Statement Pant
Wear the pants. The loud ones. Add a heel so that you are even taller and more noticeable, so your legs look longer and you get that coveted swish when you walk. Why? Because you deserve to stand out, to own your stature, whatever that may be and to command attention. This is your pep talk ladies and gentlemen because fashion week is just around the corner and it’s officially time for some standout fashion.
So often when I advocate for bold fashion I worry that the minimalists of the world sit back and assume I am skipping over them. While I am normally quite the opposite of a minimalist dresser the tendency sneaks out every once in a while and I too embrace the refined restraint of minimal style. Editing and honing down a look, pairing the perfect clean silhouettes together takes every bit as much effort and creativity as mismatching prints or layering 5 things in one look. Minimalism is bold and as I am sure you know stands out as well so wear what suits you at the moment and no one else. Kick off the heels in favor of a menswear inspired brogue, disregard the Pantone colors of the year and opt for all of the colors or none of them, whichever suits you.
It is no secret that I love fashion week almost as much for the people watching outside the shows as I do for the genius inside on display because nothing is more inspiring that a person’s fully embodied sense of style. With the pendulum of styles we have seen gain and lose traction throughout the past few years it’s hard to say what will dominate the street seen. Adidas wearing norm core hardcore gals will surely be present but so will the 70’s glam squads. The ever present ‘I look like I just walked off a Marc Jacobs in the 90’s runway’ off duty squad will I’m sure be in full force revitalized by Saint Laurent’s recent overall and tiara wearing golash promoting runway. Bohemian fashionistas sporting everything from ethereal Chloe to futuristic Marant are a guarantee of not a promise at every fashion week. The inspiration is endless in the street style scene and I hope you will join me in putting a little extra thought and zing in your outfit as we prepare ourselves for the Fall ’16 shows. Happy almost fashion week everyone! Let’s start the countdown and put our party pants on.