Friday Quickie: Take 2 PLUS Next Week’s Theme

Hat Moorea Seal, Shoes Steve Madden (old), Jumper Tobi

Happy Friday! Thanks so much for popping by! I love Friday Quickie posts because it allows me to show you an outfit in a more brief fashion and perhaps share a few ideas and great pieces like this gorgeous Moorea Seal number. You see, having been a relatively short haired gal for the past 8 years I have had difficulty at times at being able to wear my ever expanding hat collection. At present my hair is at a somewhat awkward/approaching overgrown state but I can’t seem to make the decision to cut it or grow it which is quite frustrating. Enter the hats:

I have decided to wear 1 hat every day for the next week in solidarity with my awkward hair phase. Not all will be accompanied by posts so follow my endeavors to embrace millinery on @BloggerNotBillionaire on Instagram or better yet join in with the hashtag #hats4days. I look forward to sharing my hats and seeing all of yours! Have a great weekend and see you in my first hat Sunday!

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