My Favorite Things of 2017- BloggerNotBillionaire

Hello Youtube: My Favorite Things from 2017

My Favorite Things of 2017- BloggerNotBillionaire

I finally recorded my first Youtube video sharing some of my favorite things from 2017! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts, what else you would like to see etc in the comments!

Thank you for watching! – Rebecca


  • Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life

    I hope to branch out into vlogging at some point as well, but right now? Totally not ready! I love watching everyone else’s, though.

    So, we follow one another on IG, and I loved all your suggestions in the video….especially the slippers! I’m also a fellow beer drinker, and not very well organized, but also don’t bullet journal.

    I look forward to heading over to your blog a lot in 2018 – I love the fashion you showcase here, and am always looking for inspiration. Happy Holidays!

    • rebeccalcornelius

      Thanks so much Kim! Happy Holidays to you too! It’s definitely a big plunge into the vlogging world but so much fun! Thanks for watching and have a wonderful new year!

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