• Travel

    Hello Europe: How I Moved to Germany and Why

    This post has been a long time coming, two years in fact. In those same two years I went from self employed in Seattle to working for a multinational corporation in Germany. There were a lot of steps and decisions that got me here so I figure I will start from the beginning to share this story and try to be as succinct as possible. If you are reading this thinking ‘I feel SO out of the loop!’ I apologize. It’s been a long two years and I hope this post will answer all your questions. 2018: The Lead Up Mid-2018 I was self-employed running a small business with my…

  • Editorial,  Outfits

    Fall Trends from NYFW: Chain Print

    My first interaction with a ‘chain print’ this year came at a thrift store. There was an oversized vintage track jacket with gold chain and plaid print. It was over the top, gaudy and magical and I of course had to buy it. Little did I know that plaid and chain prints would be huge this year! At NYFW it was hard to miss that the Versace inspired chain print was already a huge trend for Fall 2018. Not only did I see the same Zara scarf/chain print dress on at LEAST 10 people but there was a lot of creative styling of this trend as well. This is an…

  • Editorial,  Fashion Week,  Outfits

    3 Things I Am Doing Differently This Year at NYFW

    It’s almost here! One of my absolute favorite times of the year, New York Fashion week! It may seem far away with an entire month to go but when you are planning for fashion week, this is crunch time. While I have been deep in planning mode both from outfits to events I realized I have learned a lot in the past year. I attended two New York Fashion weeks with two very different types of people and I learned a lot. Here’s what I am doing differently this year. Collaboration over Competition: Meet People! This is such a tagline for so many people but it really shouldn’t be. At…

  • Hello Yellow! 1 Easy Trick to Breathe New Life into Last Year's Favorite Color
    Editorial,  Outfits

    Hello Yellow! 1 Easy Trick to Breathe New Life into Last Year’s Favorite Color

    It’s a common misconception that as a fashion blogger I am all about things that are ‘new new new!’ While the latest and the greatest thing is nice to have the best items are those that you can wear season after season. I feel that way about a lot of the colors I have in my wardrobe. Red-Orange, Mustard and Cobalt blue are absolute staples in my closet but I am always looking for new ways to make them feel fresh and new. Last year was a big moment for Mustard in particular and I stocked up on rich hued yellow items. This year it’s a big deal too but…

  • How to Wear Ankle Boots in Summertime - BloggerNotBillionaire.com
    Editorial,  Outfits

    How to Wear Ankle Boots in the Summer : Inspired by Louis Vuitton

    Oh ankle boots. I sincerely hope this trend never dies since it comprises 75% of my entire shoe wardrobe and based on recent runway shows it’s fall from popularity isn’t likely. The ankle boot is perhaps the easiest shoe style to wear , it fits with practically any look from any decade making it an item you can have in style in your closet for years. Traditionally however ankle boots, like our other fall/winter shoes, get packed away once the summer months hit but Louis Vuitton recently changed that notion. In the Louis Vuitton SS17 show an 80’s inspired boot stomped down the runway with almost every look. The story…