Hello Europe: How I Moved to Germany and Why
This post has been a long time coming, two years in fact. In those same two years I went from self employed in Seattle to working for a multinational corporation in Germany. There were a lot of steps and decisions that got me here so I figure I will start from the beginning to share this story and try to be as succinct as possible. If you are reading this thinking ‘I feel SO out of the loop!’ I apologize. It’s been a long two years and I hope this post will answer all your questions. 2018: The Lead Up Mid-2018 I was self-employed running a small business with my…
Transitional Dressing: How to Wear Your Summer Dresses Now
Summer is almost here, you have unpacked your favorite ethereal floral dresses (or you have some in your shopping cart ready to go) but it just isn’t warm enough to pull the trigger unless you are headed to Palm Springs. This is an issue we a face every year and luckily for us there is a simple solution that also adds dimension and a welcome contrast to your outfit: a great jacket and ankle boots. This may seem like a no-brainer however how often did you avoid grabbing that dress so far this season because it’s more of a ‘warm weather’ option? To make this look intentional, don’t throw on…