The Wild West

Hat Zara (on sale in stores), Top Zara ITS ON SALE GO BUY IT!!! It’s fantastic!!, Shorts Forever21-same short different color here I also love this pair and this pair, Backpack Aimee Kestenberg, Shoes Nordstrom Old
Don’t worry, I already know: you are sick of the Tribal + (insert contrasting idea here) theme. Yet nothing else quite seemed to fit to describe my World Cup viewing outfit. No the USA colors weren’t present but I was feeling worldy at had a new Zara sale acquisition to try out: the lovely piece of millinery sitting atop my head.
These Forever21 shorts are actually a slightly comical story actually: In my Sweaters & Shorts post I went on Forever21’s website in an attempt to find a similar pair of shorts as the ones in the story as they were over a year old. Low and behold I found a delightful printed pair and linked them only to find that afterward I couldn’t stop thinking about them (the true test of a piece you MUST have: unconscious obsession.) Long story short, I found them in my local F21 and the rest is history! I have proof this blog provides inspiration since I bought one of my own finds! Just kidding 😉 , Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

 A word on this blouse: I absolutely adore it and wear it everywhere from festivals with shorts to a classy evening with a tailored skirt. It is currently on Sale at for much less than what I paid for it so you should go grab one. I have dibs on the blue though since I don’t have that color yet.


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